
I should just start a new blog.

As it's a new year, I feel like I should start a new blog, but have you tried to start a blog lately? I don't know how I made this template the way I did, but I love it and haven't been able to recreate it quite the same. So instead of starting a new blog from scratch, I think I'll just actually start blogging again.

2015 was an Ok year. But it's over. So let's let it be.


I've kind of already decided my theme for 2016 is going to be learning/trying new things. 
And so far we've been doing pretty well! New Years Day, we had a bunch of friends over, and had a sushi/poker night. Keep in mind, none of us had ever made sushi before, so it was a big accomplishment for all of us. A pot of Miso soup, 5 rolls, and 4 pieces of Nigiri later,  It really was so fun! and our sushi wasn't even bad. 

We're keeping along with that theme, and today we're trying something new.

 Me cade had these with breakfast this morning, and after anticipating what both would taste like, neither of us were even close.