

Hmmm, I've had a break from blogging lately. I haven't known what to say. So I'm going to go with a stream of consciousness.

Minimal day today totally meant minimal effort. Sorry teachers. I know you are lazy too. Come down to my level maybe? No? K, screw you then. I'm currently stuffing my face with bread smothered in Nuetella. I haven't had Nuetella in a long time. I love it, well in little bits. {shout out to Kei right here. She loathes Nuetella. But I guess I love her anyways? Yeah, who are we kidding, she's amazing.} 
I want to go down to the lake. Actually I lied. I want to go somewhere where no one else goes for a photo shoot. I've already been to the lake...

{Photo credit: Logan. Edit credit: Nathalie}

I'm going to fail that AP portfolio exam. I need to go out and do like 20 shoots. Maybe that's what I'll be doing tomorrow. Ahhhhhhh no school tomorrow. Still wrapping my head around it.
I want to do Yoga so bad. And I also want to start running again. I look down in my yard and see the canal every day, and am like, ugh I need to go running. But you know what? It's still cold outside people. And I'm lazy. So I'll be sticking to the treadmill that my father so thoughtfully placed in the basement for me. 

So originally, I was going to write a post about my future. Then I realized, I don't want to talk about it. My future is such a mystery, Nancy Drew would be in heaven. I have almost no idea what I'm doing in school. No clue where I'm going to go for school. When I'm moving out. Where I'm moving out to. So, I'm living in the moment. 

Oh, last thought. Scott is adorable. I'm so happy he is in my life. 
 mmm yeah... 
That's all.


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