
Random is good.

My thoughts are everywhere. Oooookay. FIRST. Listen to this song while you read. 

I've been on a Mumford kick lately. 
So. Today while I was sitting in the library sipping a Starbucks my brother so thoughtfully bought me, I noticed this girl's hair. And it occurred to me how bad I want long hair. Then I thought back through my WHOLE life, and I realized, every time I even get remotely close to having long hair, I always cut it. my excuse? "I can always grow it back out." 
Ok, confession time. I look dreadful with short hair. So I have no idea why I always fall for my lame excuse.
So, I am making it a goal of mine to actually grow it out. I can't even wait. 

Work. I love my job. I love working retail. I love being around clothes and all that. Even though most of it isn't exactly my style, I still love it.

My back is feeling better. The stitches itch like its a joke. And I'm a little sad I don't get crazy on Lortab. But such is life. 

So I really just love seafood. 

I secretly want a boyfriend. Sometimes I think about all the reasons why I shouldn't. Then I just forget all those reasons and say I want one really bad. Having one by Christmas would be nice. I've always wanted to try kissing under the mistletoe. Plus there are like a million shirts I want to buy. But I have no boyfriend to give them to. 

Now because of the Holidays coming up...

mmm and the original too.

This song always makes me think of Eskimos. I have no clue why. Love it. Looooove. Love it.

Oh oh oh oh. Moving is not anything like what I was hoping. I just wanted to move in all in like a weekend. But this is probably going to take forever. I never even realized how much stuff is in my house. It's almost disturbing. 

And then SOMEONE got me stuck on City and Colour again.
 Last song, I swear.

Yeah. That's it. That's all. 
Oh ha, besides the fact that I am way too glad it is Thanksgiving break. 
Me and my bed are getting reacquainted. I can't wait.



Where to start... well? I will save the best for last. So let's start at the beginning.

This girl? She is darling. 
Happy belated Halloween to you.

So me and Erin decided to make homemade Caramel Apples. For the first time ever. Delicious.

The only problem? We didn't cook the caramel long enough. It was a little runny. So we ended up rolling a ton of it.

After that, Halloween got super crazy. YOLO.


Today. Today was amazing. I am working on another piece. This is my test run for it...

I'm going to change a ton of things. So it will end up being amazing. It is supposed to be showing how when people look at you, before they really see you, they see how you dress. Yeah, this was definitley a test run.

 Now for my big news.

 I am officially an employee of Rue 21. "My name is Alexis and I rue, do you?" That's how we answer the phone.
Haha, sooo cheesy I know. I know. But hey, its a job right? 
I have been trying to get a job for a while now. Not super hard or anything. But still. It finally got to the point where I was determined to get one. And with in three days, I had one. 
Not a super ideal one, considering it's only seasonal, which honestly, is so devastating.  But right now, that's all anyone is hiring for. So you know what folks? I'll take it. 
Plus I'm pretty sure I'm already two of the managers' favorite. And they know I want to stay on more permanently. So let's cross our fingers. 

I just want a real job. Where I get paid real money. And can have a real life. With a real boyfriend. And soon, move out into my real apartment. And have a real life. Did I mention that already? Yep. Well there you go.